The City of Trenčín, Slovakia is in the center of the Považie region. It is the administrative center of the Trenčín Regional Government Unit, which consists of 9 Districts:
Bánovce nad Bebravou, Ilava, Myjava, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Partizánske, Považská Bystrica, Prievidza, Púchov and Trenčín.
Thanks to its advantageous location, Trenčín is an important commercial, economic, cultural and sport center. It is also known as the “City of fashion“. Numerous institutions and companies have their headquarters and branches located in Trenčín. Expositions and fairs also have a long lasting tradition in Trenčín. Current population estimates for Trenčín is 60,000.
Trenčín is located in the western part of Slovakia on the Trenčianska basin. The Váh river runs north/south through the middle of the City, on the east the City is bordered by the massif of the Považský Inovec and Strážovské vrchy, and to the west by the ledges of the Biele Karpaty.
Together with Nitra and Bratislava, Trenčín belongs to the oldest Slovak cities, chronicled as early as in the 11th century. Its strategic location near three Carpathian mountain passes on the crossroads of commercial routes, has always determined the character of the city as a significant landmark. As early as in the ancient times, the famous Jasper Road used by the Etruscan, Greek, and later Roman merchants to transport precious jasper from the Baltic region, was crossing Trenčín.
Historical Monuments:
Trenčín castle
Roman inscription
Parish stairway
Relief of Ján Jiskra of Brandýs
House of the City's executioner
Roman Catholic Church of the Birth of Virgin Mary
Hotel Tatra – now Hotel Elizabeth
Mierové Square
Plague Pillar
Piarist Church of St. Francis Xaverský
Zlatá Fatima Passage
The Lower City Gate
St. Michael's Carner
Convent Church Notre Dame
Lutheran Church
Early Baroque Convent Facility